Monday, May 16, 2011

First Horror Story!

So anyone who knows me well knows that I don't do raw meat... it just gags me to look at, smell and especially feel. Well the other day Maria, Abuela and I went to the market. We were gathering all these delicious, fresh fruits and I was super excited to go eat them. Then Maria asked Abuela if we could get some chicken. I didn't think much of it. So we walked over to this lady and she pulls a cloth of a pile of chickens! Pretty much all they were missing were heads and feathers! it was awful! so they tell her something in Spanish, and she grabs a chicken and a huge knife and starts chopping away at it. She clears out the bones and I could hear them breaking, and she skins in and chops of the feet, pulls out the innards... I'm pretty much trying not to dry heave! Meanwhile, the pile of chickens is left uncovered and Maria starts smacking them, then picks one up by the wings and makes it fly... it was funny... but I was in shock... so after the lady sliced the chicken up I thought we'd be done. I was wrong. she covered a piece in plastic and pulls out a hammer and starts beating it! It was pretty horrifying!

Next... yesterday we went to the lake. It was beautiful! Javier asked me if I wanted fish or beef and I said beef... good thing cause the fish was whole!! it still had a head and eyes and a tail and flippers!!! all they did was fry it! I don't know that I would've handled it well if the waitress had put that plate in front of me!

We also went to the Corn Museum!! that whole picture is made out of corn!

and this is my favorite four year old Mexican! His name is Ivan and he is the cutest!

this is the lake! I think it's called Laguna

It's beautiful! and we got to go canoeing!


  1. I love reading all your adventures Paige! I probably would have thrown up watching the whole chicken ordeal. Just reading it made me sick! lol
