Saturday, November 26, 2011

I'm thankful for...

Thanksgiving is such a great holiday. It really makes me take a step back and look at everything I'm thankful for.
So we started out the day with a fantastic lunch at Grandma Wortley's house. She always has the best roles ever! and we played a gripping game of bingo with some pretty great prizes!!
I got to hold Holland! She's so cute! and I haven't seen her in forever so she's grown so much! and seriously... she has the prettiest eyes! so cute!

Then after relaxing for about an hour... we went to Grams house for more food! Thanksgiving=no hunger
We sat about 45 or so people on some long tables in Grams big room. it's always fun to have everyone eat at the same table and have food being sent all the way around. good times and delicious food.
I had some fun with my camera taking close ups of everyone (especially my adorable new cousins), and trying to catch Grams with her tongue out!
got it! tongue out!
After dinner and clean up a few of the munchkins were still super hyper. so... we came up with a few races to tire them out! first off somer-saults... 
next... hopping, like frogs
we also did three legged races, wheelbarrow, sideways jumping, running backwards and many more... they don't tire easily. Henry decided he wanted to race on a horse, so Austin volunteered to be the horse. Check out his incredible form hopping on!
and that was my Thanksgiving. I'm so thankful for my family, and all the craziness that comes with them!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

youtube party!

I work at the coolest place ever. Seriously. Tonight after work we got pizza and had a youtube party just because! it was hilarious... and I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. So... a youtube party is where everyone comes with a video in mind and you're supposed to dress up like someone in the video you choose. very funny. well this was my favorite video of the night. i came home and made my roommates watch it. and then i watched it again. I just started laughing again just thinking about it! so enjoy, and if you must... watch it again!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

fun at grams

Today was the monthly birthday party at grams so we celebrated the November birthdays; Henry, Mary, Jeremy and Pauline...
Pauline wasn't there, but of course we sang to her anyways!!
Henry blew out the candles before we finished the song... I think he was hoping we'd stop singing once they were out. Nope! 
this was Kyle's idea of a funny face ha ha I guess it is pretty funny!
what a cutie! Henry turned 4 today and he got a cowboy belt with a big buckle and his name sewn on the back! classy!
here's a pretty cute funny face! Hayden and Henry are best friends and such goof balls!
Leah said that I did this... but she was the one holding the cupcake. my hand just slipped!
well...besides tonight, nothing too exciting has been happening. I've been doing loads of homework and been pretty busy with work too. Why is it that whenever I'm in a hurry I hit every single red light there is?? Or when I decide to take a detour thinking it'll be faster than waiting in a long line of cars, the road I choose is blocked off and I end up taking a longer detour through residential school zones behind someone driving way below the speed limit?? Just a few experiences I had this week!