Saturday, June 23, 2012

el primero sábado

hoy fue el primero sábado aquí! so to celebrate... fuimos al mercado! actually, we went to two different markets and walked all over San Jose and actually ended up walking all the way home too ha ha it was kind of a long day of walking and we were pretty tired so we came home early... and just in time too! about 15 minutes after we got home it started raining again. it rains A LOT here! every day around 1 or 2 in the afternoon it starts up and doesn't stop until around 5 or 6, not just sprinkling either... it dumps! but today was a little different. it was just kind of wet pretty much all day. sprinkling or misting, but once we got home it dumped!
ew... there were pigeons everywhere and there were guys selling corn that you could feed them and get pictures taken with a bunch of them on you... nasty.
the grand hotel of costa rica
jayne loved these windows
i love the graffiti
i thought this was slightly creepy, but pretty neat too that someone stood next to this tree long enough to paint this!
jayne loved her burrito
if you look closely you'll see two socks. they look like there are feet in them. i thought it was a body, but with closer inspection we discovered that someone had just stuffed some sticks and stuff in them and then stuck them into the ground so they look like legs. creepy.
for rachel. los payasos
jayne loves this color. and we see it all over!

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