Thursday, June 21, 2012

dia cinco!

wow i can't believe we've already been here for 5 days. we have homework pretty much every day, or at least jayne does and i help her... i don't get homework! we also have an oral exam every thursday, then a written on fridays. so tomorrow will be our first exam! ah! and instead of studying... i'm updating my blog... bad idea. but oh well! i don't think it will be too bad!
our internet wasn't working for the past few days, but today Amira called and made the people fix the internet ha ha it was funny.  so here are some of our pictures from the last few days!
there is graffiti all over the city. it's so colorful and wonderful and i love it!
to add to my collection of doors around the world
probably  my favorite house thus far in costa rica. you can't see much of it here... but trust me, it's adorable
this is ILISA. the school that we go to every day para aprender espanol 
just riding the bus... we take the bus everywhere and we even know our bus driver. his name is don Luis and he is the nicest person ever. he helps us get around and tells us which stops we need to get off on. he's the best!
so this rabbit was super popular in mexico with my kids last summer. especially Martin. he used to draw this rabbit all over his homework and whenever he got one of my whiteboard markers he would draw this on the board. he called it 'raggin rabbit' ha ha i laughed really hard when i saw it on one of the buildings here
the money here is so colorful and awesome! $1=500 colones... i feel rich paying with $2000 or $10000
i also kind of feel like a pirate carrying around all this gold! arg!
este es nuestra casa!
this is what we got for lunch today... it was delicious! not sure why jayne is doing that with her face... the restaurant wasn't that sketchy
this little creeper is in the mall. you can ride on a little car that he is leaning over... creepy 
we discovered that there is a church at the end of our street! woo! we're definitely going to go here at least once before we leave costa rica
so you have to be really careful while walking around. not just because there are crazy drivers who would choose to hit you and keep driving then have to slow down for you, but because there are random holes all over! this one had a good 7-10 foot drop... ouch!
jayne thought this tree looked like a finger... it kind of did so i took a picture... but it doesn't really look like one anymore ha ha

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